9800 Upgrade Os6 To Os7 He announced this by posting a note to a mail- ing list that forwarded the message to many othersuite softwareBSD users. The problem was that the software simply appended the two characters "l 9" to the front of the year. When the new millennium came about a year later, the software would start writing the new date as “l9100." The problem was largely cosmetic because it only occurred in some of the support software used by the system. 9800 Upgrade Os6 To Os7 suite software is a close cousin to the Linux kernel and one that predates it in some ways. It descends from a long tradition of research and devel— opment of operating systems at the University of California at Berkeley The name BSD stands for "9800 Upgrade Software Distribution," the name given to one of the first releases of operating system source code that Berkeley made for the world. That small package grew, morphed, and absorbed many 9800 Upgrade Os6 To Os7 other contributions over the years.